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The TridentMaker contract inherits functionality from the TridentUnwindooor contract, and also implements functions to swap tokens from other tokens. There is also a withdraw function to withdraw the collected WETH, and other tokens from the contract.

The full contract can be found here.

State-Changing Functions


function swap(
address[] calldata tokensIn,
address[] calldata swapPairs,
uint256[] calldata amountsIn,
uint256[] calldata minimumOuts
) external onlyTrusted;

Performs swaps of tokensIn through the corresponding swapPairs, with slippage protection set in minimumOuts.

  • tokensIn represents the array of tokens to be swapped.
  • swapPairs specifies the pairs to be used for each swap operation.
  • amountsIn sets the amounts of each token to be swapped.
  • minimumOuts sets the minimum amount to be received for each swap as a measure of slippage protection.


tokensInaddress[]Array of addresses of tokens to be swapped.
swapPairsaddress[]Array of addresses of pairs to be used for each swap operation.
amountsInuint256[]Array of amounts to be swapped for each token.
minimumOutsuint256[]Array of minimum amounts to be received for each swap operation (slippage protection).


This function does not return any values.


This function reverts if the amount received from any swap operation is less than the corresponding value in minimumOuts.


This function does not emit any events.


This function has the onlyTrusted modifier, meaning it can only be called by trusted accounts, as defined in the contract.


function setTokenFeeTo(address token, address feeTo) external onlyOwner;

Sets the feeTo address for a specific token, dictating where the fees will be served to.

  • token is the address of the token to set the feeTo for.
  • feeTo is the address where the fees will be served.


tokenaddressThe address of the token for which the feeTo address is to be set.
feeToaddressThe address where the fees will be served.


This function does not return any values.


This function reverts if it is not called by the contract owner.


This function does not emit any events.


This function has the onlyOwner modifier, meaning it can only be called by the contract owner.


function serveFees(address[] calldata tokens) external;

Executes the serving of fees for all passed in tokens where the feeTo address is set.

  • The contract should have a balance of the tokens that are to be served.
  • The function transfers the entire balance of each token to its respective feeTo address.


tokensaddress[]The array of tokens for which the fees are to be served.


This function does not return any values.


This function reverts if the transfer fails.


event Served(address feeTo, address token, uint256 balance);

The Served event is emitted for each token with the feeTo address, the token address, and the balance that was transferred.


This function does not have any modifiers.


function withdraw(
address token,
address to,
uint256 _value
) external onlyOwner;

Withdraws a specified amount of tokens or ETH from the contract to a given address.

  • This function can only be called by the owner of the contract.
  • If token is the zero address, the function withdraws ETH. Otherwise, it withdraws the specified ERC-20 token.


tokenaddressThe address of the token to withdraw. Use the zero address for ETH.
toaddressThe address to which the tokens or ETH are to be sent.
_valueuint256The amount of tokens or ETH to withdraw.


This function does not return any values.


  • This function reverts if the transfer of tokens or ETH fails.
  • This function reverts if it is called by an account other than the owner.


event Withdrawn(address token, address to, uint256 value);

The Withdrawn event is emitted with the address of the token (or zero address for ETH), the recipient address, and the amount that was withdrawn.


modifier onlyOwner();

The onlyOwner modifier restricts this function to be called by the contract's owner only.


function doAction(
address to,
uint256 _value,
bytes memory data
) external onlyOwner;

Executes a low-level call to a contract.

  • This function can only be called by the owner of the contract.
  • It can be used to interact with any contract that does not have an interface in this contract.
  • The call is executed with a specified amount of Ether (in Wei) and data.


toaddressThe address of the contract to interact with.
_valueuint256The amount of Ether (in Wei) to send with the call.
databytesThe data to send with the call.


This function does not return any values.


  • This function reverts if the call fails.
  • This function reverts if it is called by an account other than the owner.


This function does not emit any events.


modifier onlyOwner();

The onlyOwner modifier restricts this function to be called by the contract's owner only.